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#1054 - Meeting Deletion

Closed Bug? created by mwyres 7 years ago

Having several issues with respect to the plugin - (more in a moment) - but initially our concern is that deleting a meeting in Outlook is not deleting the meeting in SuiteCRM.

Setup is:

PHP v7.0.28 MySQL 5.7.21 Ubuntu 16.04.4 SuiteCRM 7.8.8 Plugin v3.0.11


We have a bunch of security settings on the system for various levels of the organisation to either see or not see various records, fairly basic stuff.

I have installed a completely fresh install of SuiteCRM 7.8.8 with no security setup, to see whether or not our security settings was messing around with it - but it appears not to be security messing with.

I followed the following process - (we are currently only synching Outlook to CRM, not both ways)

  • created meeting in Outlook.
  • plugin successfully created the meeting in SuiteCRM
  • modified the meeting in Outlook
  • modification successfully updated in SuiteCRM
  • deleted the meeting in Outlook
  • DOES NOT delete from SuiteCRM

Some other notes:

  • We are still on v7.8.8 for a couple of reasons, but updating is an option if this is suggested - we only want to run LTS versions.
  • Recurring meetings do not appear, only the first occurrence.
  • We would like to get to two-way sync, but this isn't a show stopper at this stage.
  • Are PHP version(s) an issue here.
  • I can email plugin logs if required.

This is something we'd like to get sorted as a matter of priority, we are taking a lot of heat from senior management. We have a trial licence currently, which would roll over to a full licence in about 9 or 10 days - I can see this being cancelled before then if we can't get something sorted out.

  1. mwyres member avatar


    7 years ago

    • also, when meetings are created by someone else in Outlook - (ie: someone invites me to a meeting, and it goes into my Outlook calendar, this meeting DOES NOT appear in CRM.
  2. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hi mwyres,

    Is it possible if we could ask you to send your Outlook DEBUG logs (logs set at DEBUG level) while replicating the issue to our support email address outlook[at]salesagility[dot]com referencing this Ticket #1054. If you could also include what PHP version you are running off of, that would be much appreciated and we'll investigate.

    • SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin Team
  3. suitecrm member avatar

    SuiteCRM Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Most of these issues have been addressed (bar the recurring meetings) in the latest release 3.0.18. Please feel free to open a new case if require assistance.

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