by Rolustech

Boost your SuiteCRM with seamless Google integration. Sync contacts, meetings, and Drive files. Streamline workflows and elevate productivity.

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Release Notes

Version 5.2.2 (Available 11/14/2023)

Compatibility (on-premise)

  • Versions 7.8.* to 7.13
  • Versions 8.0 to 8.3

Features and Improvements

  • Bidirectional sync of Google Contacts, Calendar events, and Drive files with Suite CRM
  • Moved the RT GSync Preferences module from the main navigation bar menu to the dropdown menu under the username
  • Compatible with PHP 8.2

Special Instructions

  • Please perform Repair and Rebuild after installation.

Version 5.2 (Available 02/29/2023)

Compatibility (on-premise)

  • Versions 7.8.* to 7.13
  • Versions 8.*

Features and Improvements

  • Bidirectional sync of Google Contacts, Calendar events, and Drive files with Suite CRM
  • Compatible with PHP 8

Special Instructions

  • Please perform Repair and Rebuild after installation.

Version 4.5 (Available 06/08/2021)


  • SuiteCRM 7.10.25 - 7.11.18


Including but not limited to: - Improved stability. - Better User Interface. - Improved architecture by using single responsibility principles. - Better implementation of newer versions of Google APIs into separate ApiAdapters. - Better prefixes resolutions added for Events, Calls, and Tasks Modules. - Updation of the folder name while changing the contacts, accounts, and calls records, etc. to the drive. - Documents Synching. - Seamless up-gradation from the older version to the newer one.

Special Instructions

  1. No need to uninstall the previous package.
  2. Please perform Repair and Rebuild after installation.

Version 4.4 (Available 23/06/2020)


  • SuiteCRM 7.8.31 - 7.11.12


  • Problems in syncing Calendar, Contacts and Drive

Known Issues

  • Drive Sync will take immense time if there are multiple documents because pagination is not done

Special Instructions

  • It is a good idea to perform Repair and Rebuild after installation (not required)
  • Try not to change the description of SuiteCRM directories in Google Drive, if editing is necessary, try to append it at the end

Version 4.3 (Available: 12/10/2019)


  • SuiteCRM 7.8.0 - 7.11.8


  • Added a checkbox on RTGsync Preferences to create Contacts against Invitees of calendar events if it is enabled.


  • Call duration Extended while sync back to Google Calendar form SuiteCRM
  • Events are not syncing from SuiteCRM to Google Calendar
  • When removing invites from contacts subpanel of Meetings, then in google calendar same meeting is created.
  • Calls duration set to zero because End time and start time becomes same when it sync back from SugarCRM to Google Calendar.

Known Issues:

  • Locations of Events don't Sync from SuiteCRM to Google and Google to SuiteCRM.
  • Tasks are not syncing for SuiteCRM 7.10.* and below.
  • If Accounts/Contact/Opportunity/Cases name is updated in SuiteCRM, it doesn't get updated in the drive folder.

Special Instructions:

  • It is a good idea to perform Repair and Rebuild after installation (not required)
  • Try not to change the description of SuiteCRM directories in Google Drive, if editing is necessary, try to append it at the end

Version 4.2 (Available: 10/29/2019)


  • SuiteCRM 7.8.0 - 7.11.8


  • Allow users to update the Last Sync Date for Calendar, Contacts, Drive, and Tasks in the RT Gsync Preferences page.
  • Synchronization of Meetings/Calls from Google Calendar and SuiteCRM in batches to optimize scheduler job time.

Bugs Resolved

  • The calendar doesn't sync more than 2500 events.
  • Redirects to Google Authentication even User is not in allowed Gsync Users.
  • After authentication from Google, it lands to the error page even if Google credentials are saved successfully.
  • The document doesn't get unlinked in Google Drive if it is unlinked in SuiteCRM.

Known Issues

  • Locations of Events don't Sync from SuiteCRM to Google and Google to SuiteCRM.
  • Tasks are not syncing for SuiteCRM 7.10.* and below.
  • If Accounts/Contact/Opportunity/Cases name is updated in SuiteCRM, it doesn't get updated in the drive folder.

Special Instructions

  • It is a good idea to perform Repair and Rebuild after installation (not required)
  • Try not to change the description of SuiteCRM directories in Google Drive, if editing is necessary, try to append it at the end

Version 4.1.1 Beta (Available: 09/17/2019)


  • Compatible with SuiteCRM 7.11.8

Special Instructions

  • It is a good idea to perform Repair and Rebuild after installation (not required)
  • Try not to change the description of SuiteCRM directories in Google Drive, if editing is necessary, try to append it at the end

Version 4.1 Beta (Available: 08/23/2019)


  • Compatible with SuiteCRM 7.11.7


  • Used Google API from the vendor folder in SuiteCRM
  • Bi-directional synchronization of Tasks


  • Multiple folders of a record for multiple documents were created on the drive when synced for the first time.
  • Change main folder name from SugarCRM to SuiteCRM.

Known issues

  • Record's folder name doesn't update on the Google Drive when updated on SuiteCRM.
  • Documents don't get unlinked on Google Drive when unlinked in SUiteCRM.

Special Instructions

  • It is a good idea to perform Repair and Rebuild after installation (not required)
  • Try not to change the description of SuiteCRM directories in Google Drive, if editing is necessary, try to append it at the end

Version 4.0 (Available: 07/18/2019)


  • Compatible with SuiteCRM 7.11.5


  • Synchronization of Events from Google to SuiteCRM and SuiteCRM to Google.
  • Documents related to a record are synced to respective Google Drive Folder.

How it Works:

  • A document related to an Account e.g. Honda will sync to Google and will be placed in the directory (SugarCRM/Accounts/Honda)
  • A document placed in the SugarCRM/Leads/Toyota will be synced to SugarCRM and will attach to a Lead named Toyota (a new lead will be created in case)

**Known issues: **

  • Locations of Event don't Sync from SuiteCRM to Google and Google to SuiteCRM.
  • Tasks are not syncing.

Special Instructions:

  • It is a good idea to perform Repair and Rebuild after installation (not required)
  • Try not to change the description of SugarCRM directories in Google Drive, if editing is necessary, try to append it at the end

Version 3.8.0 (Available: 02/12/2019)


  • Compatibility up to SuiteCRM 7.11


  • SuiteCRM contacts not syncing issue resolved

Version 3.7.2 (Available: 10/25/2018)


  • Compatibility up to SuiteCRM 7.10.2


  • The license update on Installation.
  • Google authentication process to OAuth 2.0.

Version 3.7.1 (Available: 04/12/2018)


  • Compatibility up to SuiteCRM 7.10.2
  • Multiple Calendars syncing


  • Browser alerts changed to custom Suite alerts.
  • Removed unnecessary logs.
  • User-friendly error messages.


  • Email archiving.
  • Reminder(s) sync with the events.
  • Contacts sync.
  • Syncing multiple email addresses to a single record.
  • Duplication of contacts with same email addresses or contact numbers.
  • Read-only calendars check.
  • Proper Labels for some layouts.
  • Events syncing from Suite to Google.
  • Unsafe scripting.
  • Proper Authentication.
  • Rebuild and repair check after installation.

Version 3.1.03D OnDemand (Available:11/12/2015)

  • RTGSync onDemand instances relates issues are resolved

Version: 3.1.03 Onsite/OnDemand (Available: 08/11/2015)

  • RTGSync Packages are now compatible with MSSQL database. Previously it was only compatible with MySQL database.

Version 3.1.2 Onsite/OnDemand (Available: 06/10/2015)

  • Pre Install checks introduced. If the package is already installed, notify the user to first Un-Install it.
  • Bug resolved related to Email Archive job failure

Version 3.1.1 (Available: 05/21/2015)

  • Google Contacts api changed from v2 to v3 with authentication through oauth2.0

Version 3.0 (Available: 11/28/2014)

  • Migrated Calendar Google API from V2 to V3.
  • Introduced functionality of Recurrening events from Google to SuiteCRM and vice versa.
  • Distinguished Calls and Tasks in different colors in Google Calendar.
  • Resolved "Test Connection" button redirection issue.
  • Improvements in syncing process.

Version 2.0 (Available: 10/03/2014)

  • Updated manifest to restrict to 7.* versions only
  • Fixed path issue for "vendor/Zend/Gdata/ClientLogin.php"
  • Resolved redirect_uri_mismatch issue

Provides the following features:

  • Calendar Syncing (Configurable two-way sync between SuiteCRM and Gmail)
  • Contact Syncing (Configurable two-way sync between SuiteCRM and Gmail)
  • Email Archiving

Version 1.9 (Available: 01/20/2014)

  • Bug Fixing

Version 1.8 (Available: 01/10/2014)

  • Gsync will skip recurrent events instead of failing the complete sync process but it will sync all other events. We are working on handling recurring events in future.

Version 1.7 (Available: 11/18/2013)

  • Per User Licence Feature (no longer pay for all your sugar users, select only the amount of users that will be using the Syncing Module)
  • Activity stream will show original user who created the record through GSync instead of Administrator.

Version 1.6 (Available: 9/25/2013)

  • Created/Modified by field for new records created through GSync will be set to the user currently being synced.

Version 1.5

  • Create Scheduler Jobs Automatically with status Inactive.
  • Preference setting page for individual users ** Contacts Google to SuiteCRM to Google on/off sync option. ** Documents Google to SuiteCRM to Google on/off sync option. ** Activate or Deactivate each Scheduler job (for admin only)
  • Exclude Group users from total user count for licensing.

Each user can access settings page by clicking GSync from module list.

Version 1.4

  • Test Connection button added to users EditView.
  • Held Meetings/Calls created in SuiteCRM will not Sync into Gmail.
  • Double notification email issue resolved for SuiteCRM.7 and above.

*** ATTN EXISTING USERS: Before installing the version 1.3 please uninstall the version you are currently using, then make a fresh install using the same steps mentioned as in Installation Guide.

Version 1.3

  • Calendar Syncing (All Day Events)
  • Implemented All day events syncing from Gmail to SuiteCRM and vice versa. After installation a user can select the new All day check-box in Edit-view and Detail-view from Studio >> Meetings, Calls and Tasks.

Version 1.2

  • Calendar Syncing
  • Contact Syncing one way (Sugar to Gmail)**
  • Email Archiving
  • Document Syncing

Version 1.0

  • Calendar Syncing
  • Contact Syncing (Two way sugar to Gmail and vice versa)
  • Email Archiving
  • Document Syncing
  1. robin member avatar


    5 years ago

    There is no POPUP in SuiteCRM 7.11

  2. robin member avatar


    5 years ago

    Please guide me to complete the setup.

  3. rolustech member avatar

    Rolustech Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Hi Robin,

    Thanks for reaching out. Please make sure that pop-ups are enabled from your browser settings. The preferred browser is Google Chrome. You can download our User Manual from here. It has all the details that you would need for installation and usage.

    Feel free to ask any further questions that you might have.

    Kind Regards, Rolustech Support Team

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  • "email syncing is not working in suitecrm 7.9.2" - deepikakesarwani

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