by Verity Infotech

This add-on will help you sync Freshdesk tickets to your SuiteCRM, plus it will automatically create an account and contact related to each ticket. Your business can work more competently with Freshdesk tickets, customers, comments and company information easily synced to your SuiteCRM.

Includes a 30 day guarantee
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Installation Guide

Follow the installation steps of the plugin.

[Step 1]

Goto Admin panel and search Module Loader in Developer Tools section.

[Step 2]

Click on Module Loader and Choose the downloaded plugin zip and upload it.

[Step 3]

Once you uploaded the zip, It will be available for Install. screenshot-localhost-2020.05.02-11_16_39.png

[Step 4]

Click on Install then click on commit.

[Step 5]

Once plugin installed successfully, It will redirect to License Page.

[Step 6]

So final step is validate the License key for the plugin, Get the Key from Store purchased plugin and click and Validate. 2.png

After Installation and Validating the plugin, You can configure the settings for the plugin. * Admin Guide

Get in touch:

For support or any questions: Email us at Skype -

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  • "Easy to install and configure this add-on. An account guy like me can also configure this document. I made one mistake in rule configuring. The suppor..." - anthonytaylor

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