Configure specific fields from specific modules and set formats like character limit, numeric, or alphanumeric and more for certain fields using Format Builder.
Release Notes
Major Release Format Builder 4.0 - 29/04/2020
Features: - Add Update License option in Configuration Page of Format Builder.
- "" to "" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11.*
Major Release Format Builder 3.0 - 15/11/2019
Features: - Support to add multiple format based on field value on single field.
- "" to "" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11.*
Major Release Format Builder 2.0 - 15/08/2019
Features: - Format Builder extension support in MSSQL as well within this release.
- "" to "" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11.*
Major Release Format Builder 1.0 - 04/01/2019
Features: - Format Builder extension supports on Editview of the particular module. - Automatically reformats phone numbers to the specified format. - Format Builder extension commonly used for serial numbers, phone numbers, product numbers etc. - Format Builder support Multi Languages (German,English,Spanish,French,Hungarian,Italian,Dutch,Portuguese,Russian,Ukrainian)
- "" to "" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11.*