by cyborgsolution

Don’t bombard your current and potential customers with workflow and marketing emails from generic email addresses. Use this helpful add-on to change the “from” sender email address in Workflows to send from Users Assigned to Record or Workflow.

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How to setup the FROM email action

After installing the plugin, create a new Workflow with Action set to Send Email. You will see a new option "Email FROM" added in the action panel and the dropdown will have options to select as per your needs. NOTE: This option is only available for SEND EMAIL action in workflow module.

How to check if my SMTP will allow Masquerading

Login as Admin user on CRM and navigate to Admin -> Email Settings. Here "From" Address: field will show up, for Testing, you can change that to another email that you want to masquerade and then Send a Test email to verify if the SMTP will allow to send as that email. If the Test Email went successfully, the SMTP server allows for using other emails from the domain. Microsoft Office SMTP users need to read this first and test the From Address using the method shared. If the emails are blocked, please consult with Mail providers before installing the plugin.

What does Email FROM "Record Assigned User" option do

When this option is selected for Send Email action, the Email Address used to send the email to the record would be that of the Assigned User of the Record for which the workflow is triggered.

What does Email FROM "Workflow Assigned User" option do

Workflow assigned user option will set the FROM email for the send Email to the user to whom workflow is assigned.

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