by Business Fundamentals

Tired of having to delete Contacts and related Activities by hand when deleting Account records? deletePLUS puts you in control of what records are deleted AND which of the related records are deleted. Available from the Accounts, Contacts and Opportunities Actions menu - fully configurable

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My custom Detail view has changed Do I have to create a configuration entry? It doesn't look as though all my related records have been deleted Can I delete the related records but NOT the parent record? The drop downs in Edit view of the Configuration screen are disabled Can I turn off the messages? Are the records deleted from the database immediately? What is deleted when I select delete Projects?

I had a customised Details view in my Accounts/Contacts/Opportunities module, it has been overwritten, what can I do?

To enable the Actions Menu entries in SuiteCRM we've had to create custom detailviewdefs.php files. At the moment there is no way around this (there are some solutions that cover 80% of the options, but not all) That being the case, we have made a backup of your custom detailvewdefs.php file in the custom//metadata/ directory. You should have received a message on installation about this function. You can recover your custom detail view and add the deletePlus Actions menu entry by the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the (SuiteCRM root folder)/custom//metadata folder of your SuiteCRM installation
  2. Find the file named detailviewdefs.php and rename it - detailviewdefs.php.old is fine
  3. Rename the file named detailviewdefs.php.BACKUP- to detailviewdefs.php
  4. Open the file you renamed and copy the lines that have comments Custom deletePLUS button code, around lines 16 to 21. To ensure you get all the code, copy the comments as well (see the image below)
  5. Open your detailviewdefs.php file
  6. Paste the Custom deletePLUS button code DIRECTLY after the 'FIND_DUPLICATES', entry. Place your insertion point AFTER the final comma after 'FIND_DUPLICATES', press Enter and paste the code
  7. Save the detailviewdefs.php file
  8. Navigate to the Admin -> Repair section and run a Quick Repair and Rebuild routine


What happens if I don't create a Configuration entry?

deletePLUS will assume you mean to delete the parent record, all related records, records that are related to those related records and ALL Activities

I ran deletePLUS and still have some records related to my parent record - what's happening?

You'll need to check on the relationship between the remaining records AND your parent record especially if deleting from the Contacts module when the Contact is part of an Account e.g. if you're in the Contacts record and set Delete ALL Records to Yes and Delete Contact to No. You have a look in the Activities and History subpanels and there are still records there. Check the relationship in those records, they are possibly related to the parent Account, not the Contact. Change the relationship, run deletePLUS again and they will be deleted.

Can I use it to 'clean' up my Accounts but NOT delete the Account record?

Yes, create a configuration entry, in the Delete Account Records tab set the Delete Account drop down to No - you're good to go. deletePLUS will delete all the records that are listed in the tab

When I create a new Configuration entry most of the drop downs are disabled

If the Delete ALL Records drop down is set to Yes in ALL the tabs, the majority of drop downs are disabled because the selection Delete ALL Records over-rides every other setting. If you want to filter what is deleted, see the Delete ALL Records to No and make further selections using the available drop downs

The messages are annoying, can I turn them off?

Yes you can, have a look in the Delete Account Records of your deletePLUS Configuration entry, there's a drop down, Show Messages, set it to No

Are all the records deleted from the database?

NO, the records deleted fields are all set to 1. They will be permanently deleted from the SuiteCRM database when/if you have your Scheduler set up correctly and the Prune Database job enabled and active.

What is deleted when I select delete Projects?

This function is dependent on where you select the deletePlus action from: From the Accounts Module A database query is run to see whether the Project has any related Project Tasks and whether there are any active entries in the Projects Accounts table (the Project is related to the current Account). If both of those queries evaluate to true 1. ALL Project tasks are set to deleted 2. The Project is set to deleted 3. The relationship in the Projects Accounts table is set to deleted PLEASE NOTE if the Project is ALSO related to other modules in the database it is still deleted From the Contacts Module A database query is run to see whether the Project has any related Project Tasks and whether there are any active entries in the Projects Contacts table (the Project is related to the current Contact). If both of those queries evaluate to true 1. ALL Project tasks are set to deleted 2. The Project is set to deleted 3. The relationship in the Projects Contacts table is set to deleted PLEASE NOTE if the Project is ALSO related to other modules in the database it is still deleted From the Opportunities Module A database query is run to see whether the Project has any related Project Tasks and whether there are any active entries in the Projects Opportunities table (the Project is related to the current Opportunity). If both of those queries evaluate to true 1. ALL Project tasks are set to deleted 2. The Project is set to deleted 3. The relationship in the Projects Opportunities table is set to deleted PLEASE NOTE if the Project is ALSO related to other modules in the database it is still deleted

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