Best SuiteCRM Mobile App Now access all your necessary SuiteCRM data as and when required right from your mobile phone. Get everything done on the go with TapCRM, our SuiteCRM Mobile app. Now equipped with an exclusive field service feature: Live Tracking!"
#969 - Connection problem
I installed the module and entered the licence key. In the configuration check page all is ok and the user is selected (one licence for one user). When I put the CRM URL and connect the app request user and pass, when i put info and click "Log In" I have the following message: "Wrong parameter used try with the registered domain and licensekey" If I click "Forgot Password" I receive the email to change my password.
Regards Olivier
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7 years ago
Hello Olivier,
Thank you for contacting Appjetty!
In response to your query, as we have updated the license flow in this new release, so can you please re-validate the license and check it again?
If the issue still persist then kindly share your CRM Admin details on our email : so we can check and fix it as soon as possible.
Hope this will be fine with you! Kindly let us know in case of any concern.
Kind Regards, AppJetty
6 years ago
Hello Olivier,
Its been a long time since our last contact, Hope you doing well!
We trust our TapCRM app is working as per your expectations.
If you need any of our assistance/information regarding the app, feel free to write us back @
We would be happy to assist you.
Have a nice day ahead!
Kind Regards, Appjetty
6 years ago
I have installed TapCRM but it breaks my SuiteCRM. When enabled I cant create any entries from either the TapCRM app or from the webinterface. When I uninstall the Module everything starts working again. In the past if I left it long enough it would ruin my entire installation to the point that I would have to drop my database and reinstall SuiteCRM from scratch. I am running the latest version of SuiteCRM available on the website. Version 7.10
6 years ago
Hello Arjun,
Thank you for contacting Appjetty!
We are sorry for the trouble. We tried to Troubleshoot the issue, but we'll need to trace the issue you described in your system.
Thus can we schedule a TeamViewer session? Or else please share your Admin credentials and FTP access for the checking at
We have also emailed you for the same for the quick communication.
Hope this will be fine with you! Look forward to your response.
Kind Regards, AppJetty.