Best SuiteCRM Mobile App Now access all your necessary SuiteCRM data as and when required right from your mobile phone. Get everything done on the go with TapCRM, our SuiteCRM Mobile app. Now equipped with an exclusive field service feature: Live Tracking!"
#4740 - Database failure when trying to install
Hi - we clicked COMMIT and then got the below message - please help!
Backed up custom/modules/Employees/language/en_us.lang.php to custom/modules/Employees/language/en_us.lang1677633240.phpBacked up custom/modules/ModuleBuilder/controller.php to custom/modules/ModuleBuilder/controller1677633240.phpBacked up custom/modules/Administration/controller.php to custom/modules/Administration/controller1677633240.phpInstalling Language Packs Rebuilding Language...en_us Installing layoutdefs extension Installing vardefs extension Rebuilding ActionViewMap... Rebuilding ActionFileMap... Rebuilding ActionReMap... Rebuilding Administration... Rebuilding EntryPointRegistry... Rebuilding Extensions... Rebuilding FileAccessControlMap... Rebuilding Layoutdefs... Rebuilding GlobalLinks... Rebuilding LogicHooks... Rebuilding Menus... Rebuilding Include... Rebuilding ScheduledTasks... Rebuilding UserPage... Rebuilding Utils... Rebuilding Vardefs... Rebuilding JSGroupings... Rebuilding Actions... Installing Images Installing Relationships Rebuilding Vardefs... Rebuilding Layoutdefs... Rebuilding TableDictionary... Installing Bean : Mob_Notification Table already exists : mob_notification Installing Bean : Mob_Visit Table already exists : mob_visit Installing Bean : bc_sms Table already exists : bc_sms Installing Bean : Mob_followups Table already exists : mob_followups Installing Bean : Mob_smstemplates Table already exists : mob_smstemplates Installing Bean : Mob_Activity Table already exists : mob_activity Installing Bean : Mob_TapTracker Table already exists : mob_taptracker Installing Bean : Mob_Tag Table already exists : mob_tag Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details.
2 years ago
Hello Danielle,
Thanks for contacting AppJetty Support! We're happy to assist you with your recent concern.
We noticed that the table and fields have already been created in the database. We’d like to confirm if you are able to use TapCRM now or not.
If you are unable to use TapCRM, please provide us with the CRM admin credentials over "support" so we can check and assist you with the best solution.
Hope this helps! look forward to hearing from you soon.
2 years ago
Hello, We managed to get a few steps further by doing a Repair & Rebuild - the TapCRM Diagnostics page is showing all green ticks and I can go to the next page to put in the key and click Validate but nothing happens and the only other button is BACK. Please help? NOTE - even though the TapCRM Configurations section is showing in Admin, when we go to Module Loader the TapCRM package is in the lower list with the options to INSTALL or DELETE where I would expect to see it in the upper list with UNINSTALL and DISABLE options. If I click on INSTALL it makes you wait then takes you to the setup. Thanks!
2 years ago
Hi Danielle,
Thanks for sharing your queries. I've sent an email to you. Hope you've received it.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Regards, Team Appjetty,
2 years ago
Hello, Thank you for responding - we have managed to get several steps further and now see all green ticks in the admin interface but when I use the QR code on the app on my phone we get a Server Unreachable message, please try later. Could you please advise? Thanks, Vanessa
a year ago
Hi Vanessa,
We're closing this case from our side. Hope your all queries are solved. Kindly let us know if you've any queries.