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#2600 - Mobile app can't connect to the server

Closed Bug? created by bharath 5 years ago


I've installed the TapCRM module in the SutieCRM and installed the mobile application. But when trying to connect from mobile to the server, I'm getting connection timed out error. Can you help me with the problem.

  1. Biztech member avatar

    AppJetty Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Dear Bharath,

    Good Morning!

    We have tried logging with your QR code generated from the admin panel for URL( and it worked fine. Please find the video here: (

    Also, would you please once cross verify that you are inserting your URL properly and adding http:// or https:// prefix?

    Hope this helps.Let us know in case of any concern.

    Best Regards, AppJetty.

    • bharath member avatar


      5 years ago

      I've previously installed the app in local machine and was trying to connect to it using the IP address(like 172.16.x.y) which was throwing error. I'm able to connect to the server now.

  2. Biztech member avatar

    AppJetty Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Dear Bharath,

    We appreciate your prompt response.

    We are glad to read that now you are successfully able to connect. So we are marking this ticket as closed.

    Have a nice day ahead!

    Best Regards, AppJetty.

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