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#1593 - Installation Fail at 17%
Installation stops at 17% with the following error:
Display Log Failed to copy cache/upgrades/temp/hLPGpa/SugarModules/modules/Mob_Notification to modules/Mob_Notification
Config file has array ( 'dir_mode' => 1528, 'file_mode' => 493, 'user' => '', 'group' => '', ),
And cache directory is 775. Can you please help?
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6 years ago
Hi Daniel,
Greetings from Appjetty!
Thank you for contacting us regarding your query, we are happy to assist you.
In order to fix the installation issue, you will have to give the recurring permission to a custom folder and module folder to 775. Try again after giving the proper permissions to files/folders. The issue will be resolved.
In case you still face the issue, kindly share the CRM Admin and FTP details, we'll immediately sort it out on your behalf.
We have emailed you regarding the same. Kindly share the details via email. You can contact us over Skype as well at support.biztech
Hope this will be fine with you.
Kind Regards, Appjetty.