
Sapiens.BI helps you produce effective reports with charts in a fast and easy way. It is a Sugar and SuiteCRM BI plug-in with powerful reporting capabilities, ease of use, elegant design, and a quick and easy setup. This Reporting Tool is easy to use, there is no need for technical knowledge or SQL. The Sapiens.BI tool comes with over 100 pre-built reports.

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#4660 - Reports and charts not showing on dashboard

Open Bug? created by jonnie00 2 years ago

Hi, The reports and charts are not visible when we use the 'Add a Dashlet' feature. When I inspect the page I see the following mixed content error message.

Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure frame ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

Please can you advise how we fix this?

  1. dennis2 member avatar


    a year ago

    This is also not showing for us either.... we upgraded to the latest version as well.

    • sapiens-bi member avatar Provider

      a year ago

      Thank you for the update,

      Jonathan had different issue, it wasn't related the upgrade. Release for the latest version compatibility fix is planned within nearest days. We will keep you updated.

      Best Regards, Sapiens.BI team

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