
Sapiens.BI helps you produce effective reports with charts in a fast and easy way. It is a Sugar and SuiteCRM BI plug-in with powerful reporting capabilities, ease of use, elegant design, and a quick and easy setup. This Reporting Tool is easy to use, there is no need for technical knowledge or SQL. The Sapiens.BI tool comes with over 100 pre-built reports.

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#3677 - License count issue

Open Bug? created by Galaxkey 3 years ago


We have purchased a trial license for Sapiens.BI Pro. In all we have 15 users in our SuiteCRM setup but we want to purchase the license only for 2 users. So we purchased a 2 user license for trial. But when we enter the license and press validate we get error "Insuffient number of user licenses. Please add additional user licenses and try again". So how do we validate the license?

Best regards

  1. sapiens-bi member avatar Provider

    3 years ago


    Thank you for contacting us! If you want to purchase the license for fewer count of users than total count of SuiteCRM users, you should select another pricing plan, i.e. "Just Report Users":

    You can Cancel current subscription and then apply to the new one. Afterwards kindly please reinstall the new Installation package. Feel free to contact us for any further help or questions.

    Best Regards, Sapiens.BI Team

    • tp member avatar


      3 years ago

      "Just report users" is very expensive plan. thank you we have cancelled the subscription.

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