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#2637 - Failure validating licenses

Closed Bug? created by thriveadmin 5 years ago

When we attempt to run a report or validate our license, we get the following error:

Failed: SugarOutfitters_API::call(): Unable to validate the license key. Please configure the firewall to allow requests to and make sure that SSL certs are up to date on the server.

  1. jason member avatar


    5 years ago

    Hi folks,

    We aren't seeing any license attempts from your since March 9th. With that and the message you are seeing it looks like there has been a network change since March 9th. Please be sure that your network can allow connections to Once it can do so try validating the license key again.

    Thank you! Jason Eggers The SuiteCRM Store

  2. thriveadmin member avatar


    5 years ago

    Ok, nothing has changed on our side. We do see where the validation failure first appears; however, I have no idea how to troubleshoot this issue. I attempted to upgrade to the latest version and still receive the same error. We have a pretty generic installation on, but need some assistance on identifying the cause of this issue.

    • jason member avatar


      5 years ago

      I just responded to your email on SugarOutfitters. We still do not see a license ping since March 9th so the reasons #1 and #3 are going to be the cause. I suggest escalating the issue to A2Hosting. We are happy to work with them to help expedite this for you.

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