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#2553 - Calculating Close Ratios

Closed General Question created by Talenscio-Dave 5 years ago


I'm trying to create a report that calculates the closed won to closed lost ratio by year. e.g in 2019 the of total amount of closed won as a % of total closed (won & lost).

I'm struggling to create this in calculated fields - are you able to advise?


  1. sapiens-bi member avatar Provider

    5 years ago

    Hello Dave,

    Thank you for contacting us!

    We would recommend you to use Calculated Fields tab -> If...then Function. If status is closed, then new status=closed, otherwise - not closed (for all other statuses), after that under grouping and sorting you should group by this New Calculated field, and can select to show % as well. Here is also a video tutorial, hopefully helpful on this topic:

    But please don't hesitate to contact us, in case you need more help - we can schedule a live web meeting for live help and training ;).

    Best Regards, IT Sapiens Team

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