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#849 - cascading filters
is it possible to achieve cascaded filtering / dependent dropdown
ex : country > state on selection of specific country field 'and' while selecting/adding state field showing states pertaining o selected country
Other add-ons of interest
reporting analytics
report analytics
data analytics
sale analytics
sales analytics
analytic reports
analytic reporting
pivot tables
summary report
sugarcrm charts
advanced reporting
sugarcrm reporting
sugarcrm advanced reporting
sugarcrm analytic reporting
sugarcrm analytic reporting tool
analytic reporting tool
reporting tool
advanced reporting tool
7 years ago
Thank you for contacting us! Currently drop-down items appearing in filters are independent. But we will keep this as idea for future improvements and contact you, in case there is a chance to add it to our future roadmap.
Best Regards, IT Sapiens Team