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#5488 - After installing in SuiteCRM 8.6.2 I get the error "Error occurred while retrieving records"

Open Bug? created by benc 6 months ago

After installing in SuiteCRM 8.6.2 I get the error "Error occurred while retrieving records". It says installed. The license validates but when accessing the module I get this error also.

Any ideas?

  1. sapiens-bi member avatar Provider

    6 months ago

    Hello Ben,

    Thank you for contacting us! We have just emailed you the update that should fix the issue you have described. Kindly please check you mail from

    Let us know if all is OK now and feel free to contact us for any further questions or help!

    Best Regards, Eva

  2. benc member avatar


    6 months ago


    That initially didn't work however when uninstalling and reinstalling with the new version it fixed it, however when going back to the page 5 minutes later the error returned? Do you have any further ideas what could be causing this.


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