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#546 - unable to get some tables in analytic reporting module

Closed Bug? created by vinothbsetec 7 years ago

We are unable to get some tables like call_leads and meeting_leads table in analytic reporting module

  1. sapiens-bi member avatar Provider

    7 years ago


    Thank you for contacting us! Can you please also send the list of other tables missing? We will add ability to select them to our next upgrade today.

    Thank you!

    Best Regards, IT Sapiens Team

  2. sapiens-bi member avatar Provider

    7 years ago

    Hello again,

    About those missing tables, - do you mean 'calls_leads' and 'meetings_leads' (with 's' at the end of each module name)? If so, then they should actually be there, and you probably need to check, if you have installed the latest version of Analytic Reporting Tool Basic. If this still doesn't work, we might need to schedule some access to your system.

    Best Regards, IT Sapiens Team

  3. vinothbsetec member avatar


    7 years ago

    We are using updated module only. cstm tables and joined tables are not displayed. I have attached image for showing table and i have given below the missed tables: accounts_audit accounts_bugs accounts_cases accounts_contacts accounts_cstm accounts_opportunities acl_actions acl_roles acl_roles_actions acl_roles_users address_book advancedreports advancedreports_categories advancedreports_config advancedreports_schedule advancedreports_schedule_g advancedreports_schedule_r advancedreports_schedule_u advancedreports_sharedgroups advancedreports_sharedusers alerts am_projecttemplates_audit am_projecttemplates_contacts_1_c am_projecttemplates_project_1_c am_projecttemplates_users_1_c am_tasktemplates am_tasktemplates_am_projecttemplates_c am_tasktemplates_audit analytic_reporting aod_index aod_index_audit aod_indexevent aod_indexevent_audit aok_knowledge_base_categories_audit aok_knowledgebase_audit aok_knowledgebase_categories aop_case_events aop_case_events_audit aop_case_updates aop_case_updates_audit aor_charts aor_conditions aor_fields aor_reports_audit aos_contracts_audit aos_contracts_documents aos_invoices_audit aos_line_item_groups aos_line_item_groups_audit aos_pdf_templates_audit aos_product_categories_audit aos_products_audit aos_products_quotes_audit aos_quotes_aos_invoices_c aos_quotes_audit aos_quotes_os_contracts_c aos_quotes_project_c aow_actions aow_conditions aow_processed aow_processed_aow_actions aow_workflow_audit bugs_audit calls_contacts calls_leads calls_reschedule calls_reschedule_audit calls_users campaign_log campaign_trkrs campaigns_audit cases_audit cases_bugs cases_cstm config contacts_audit contacts_bugs contacts_cases contacts_cstm contacts_users Tables_in_crmdemo cron_remove_documents currencies cust_custom_report_audit custom_fields document_revisions documents_accounts documents_bugs documents_cases documents_contacts documents_opportunities eapm email_addr_bean_rel email_cache email_marketing email_marketing_prospect_lists email_templates emailman emails_beans emails_email_addr_rel emails_text favorites fields_meta_data folders folders_rel folders_subscriptions fp_event_locations_audit fp_event_locations_fp_events_1_c fp_events_audit fp_events_contacts_c fp_events_fp_event_delegates_1_c fp_events_fp_event_locations_1_c fp_events_leads_1_c fp_events_prospects_1_c import_maps inbound_email inbound_email_autoreply inbound_email_cache_ts jjwg_address_cache_audit jjwg_areas_audit jjwg_maps_audit jjwg_maps_jjwg_areas_c jjwg_maps_jjwg_markers_c jjwg_markers_audit job_queue leads_audit leads_cstm linked_documents meetings_contacts meetings_cstm meetings_leads meetings_users oauth_consumer oauth_nonce oauth_tokens opportunities_audit opportunities_contacts opportunities_cstm outbound_email outbound_email_audit project_contacts_1_c project_cstm project_task_audit project_users_1_c projects_accounts projects_bugs projects_cases projects_contacts projects_opportunities projects_products prospect_list_campaigns prospect_lists_prospects prospects_cstm relationships releases reminders reminders_invitees roles roles_modules roles_users saved_search schedulers securitygroups_acl_roles securitygroups_audit securitygroups_cstm securitygroups_default securitygroups_message securitygroups_records securitygroups_users so_users sugarfeed templatesectionline tracker upgrade_history user_preferences users_cstm users_feeds users_last_import users_password_link users_signatures vcals

  4. vinothbsetec member avatar


    7 years ago

    missed in previous comment -

  5. sapiens-bi member avatar Provider

    7 years ago


    Listed modules are already there, BUT in case of many-to-many relatioship those are relationship modules, and in general do not appear in module selection list.

    What you should do is - you should select many-to-many relationship (instead of one-to-many) and then you can select.

    For example, for you identified initially: 'call_leads' - you should select module calls; then with green + add leads and then select 'many-to-many' - in this case 'call_leads' will appear automatically in the second row for selection.

    Similarly with Meetings and Leads.

    If you are still facing issues, we can maybe schedule Any Desk remote session to look at those cases together and help you to solve those. But please do not share the credentials here, please send to

    Thank you!

    Best Regards, IT Sapiens Team

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