Dynamic Reports and Interactive Charts. A powerful tool for SuiteCRM report creation and data analytics. Includes a variety of chart types, detailed, summary and pivot tables. This Reporting Tool is very user-friendly, no need for technical knowledge or SQL. The Sapiens.BI tool comes with over 100 pre-built reports that are ready to be used on day one.
#2434 - translation of month names and abbreviation
Hi all.
Can please make the moth names and abbreviation translate able. i found these hardcoded in code.
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5 years ago
Hello Robert,
Can you please kinly specify - what is the language would you like to change translations?
Thank you!
Best Regards, IT Sapiens Team
5 years ago
Hello. We are working with german language pack. When we display a date field in report we got the english abbrivation of the month and not a translated. Ie: Oct --> is in german Okt for Oktober, or May is Mai ,... see attached Picture. regards Robert
5 years ago
look in Date.php,libs.php, jquery-ui.min.js amd de.js. It is hardcoded.
5 years ago
Thank you for your response Robert!
We will investigate and get in touch with you!
Best Regards, IT Sapiens Team
5 years ago
Hello Robert,
Sorry it took a while, but teh German translation issue should be solved now in the latest version just release. You will find latest version in your purchase profile with a version number 2.1.233.
Please let us know if all is OK, or if you have any pending issues / need any help.
Best Regards,
IT Sapiens Team