Dynamic Reports and Interactive Charts. A powerful tool for SuiteCRM report creation and data analytics. Includes a variety of chart types, detailed, summary and pivot tables. This Reporting Tool is very user-friendly, no need for technical knowledge or SQL. The Sapiens.BI tool comes with over 100 pre-built reports that are ready to be used on day one.
#193 - cron gives an error
After installing the plugin, our cron gives an error. This is the error:
PHP Warning: Declaration of ZZZZZZZZZr17::ZZZZZZZZZZZa0(&$ZZZZZZZZZZU2020, $ZZZZZZZZZZZ2525, $ZZZZZZZZZZV2121) should be compatible with ZZZZZZZZZs18::ZZZZZZZZZZZa0(&$ZZZZZZZZZZU2020) in ./crm/custom/modules/Schedulers/Ext/ScheduledTasks/scheduledtasks.ext.php on line 13
Any idea how we can fix this?
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8 years ago
In some cases SuiteCRM error reporting sees it as error even if there is no error and thus disables the functionality. In order to solve this, can you please disable error reporting or lower the lever of error reporting for your SuiteCRM system - in the file of config.inc.php please set "error_reporting" to "E_ERROR"?
Please let us know, if this helped, or if you need any more help!
Thank you! Best Regards, IT Sapiens Team
8 years ago
Thanks! I disabled the warning, untill we get a problem with the cron somewhere, we just ignore it :)