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#1044 - Problems with SuiteCRM Version 7.9.7

Closed Bug? created by BoXBo 7 years ago

If I try to create a Report from Opportunity module with results sorted by amount and show only top 10 results, then after every refresh the results are different. And I cannot select any summaries: problems.png

And if I create a new report with data from Opportunity and Accounts module, and try to group by amount and show only top 10 results, then I see no items. There is an error in the log file:

Thu Mar 22 11:49:27 2018 [26395][1][FATAL]  Query Failed: SELECT t0.`name`  AS `0_Opportunities_name`  , t0.`id`  AS `0_Opportunities_name_id`  , 'Opportunities'  AS `0_Opportunities_name_setype`  , t1.`name`  AS `1_Accounts_name`  , t1.`id`  AS `1_Accounts_name_id`  , 'Accounts'  AS `1_Accounts_name_setype`  , case when (t3.user_name not like "") then CONCAT(t3.first_name,' ',t3.last_name) end AS `0_Opportunities_assigned_user_id` , t3.`id`  AS `0_Opportunities_assigned_user_id_id`  , 'Users'  AS `0_Opportunities_assigned_user_id_setype`  , t0.`sales_stage`  AS `0_Opportunities_sales_stage`  , ROUND(t0.`amount`,2)  AS `0_Opportunities_amount`  FROM (SELECT * FROM `opportunities` WHERE `opportunities`.`amount` IN (SELECT * FROM (SELECT `t0`.`amount` FROM `opportunities` AS t0 LEFT JOIN `accounts_opportunities` AS `t2_accounts_opportunities` ON (`t2_accounts_opportunities`.`opportunity_id` = `t0`.`id` AND `t2_accounts_opportunities`.`deleted` = '0' ) LEFT JOIN `accounts` AS `t1` ON (`t1`.`id` = `t2_accounts_opportunities`.`account_id`)
LEFT JOIN users t3 ON = t0.assigned_user_id  WHERE (1=1 )  AND (1=1 ) GROUP BY `t0`.`amount` ORDER BY  ``.``  DESC LIMIT 10) AS tmp_limit_table) ) AS t0 LEFT JOIN `accounts_opportunities` AS `t2_accounts_opportunities` ON (`t2_accounts_opportunities`.`opportunity_id` = `t0`.`id` AND `t2_accounts_opportunities`.`deleted` = '0' ) LEFT JOIN `accounts` AS `t1` ON (`t1`.`id` = `t2_accounts_opportunities`.`account_id`)  LEFT JOIN users t3 ON = t0.assigned_user_id WHERE (1=1 )  AND (1=1 ) ORDER BY `0_Opportunities_amount` DESC LIMIT 0, 20: MySQL error 1054: Unknown column '' in 'order clause'

If I remove the show top number ("All") then it's working fine.

It looks like there is some bigger issue regarding the top X results in groups and sorting logic.

  1. sapiens-bi member avatar Provider

    7 years ago

    Thank you for contacting us.

    In order to select to show summaries, you should also select at least 1 Aggregate under 'Aggregates' tab (in order to identify, what would you like to summarize).

    Best Regards, IT Sapiens Team

  2. BoXBo member avatar


    7 years ago

    Indeed, with setting the aggregates it's working fine. Thanks for your help.

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