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#87 - Quotas

Open Bug? created by garry 8 years ago

Hi I have installed quotas and followed the instructions- I can access the module, but when I try to input some values into the quotas in terms of sales targets the system just hangs- I am on suite 7.7.1

  1. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    8 years ago


    We will check that right now but we can't test it in 7.7.1 as it's no longer available. We will test it on 7.7.4

    In the mean time, could you check the following: - Try repair / quick repair and check if some errors are displayed at the bottom of the page? - Try with another theme than SuiteP?

  2. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    8 years ago

    We have not been able to reproduce that issue on 7.7.4. Did you try Repair/Quick Repair?

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