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#3919 - Shipping address

Closed Feature created by scott7 3 years ago

Is it possible to have the shipping address show in the app? We use that as we respond to support cases where the client has multiple addresses. We have a lot of sub accounts that belong to a HQ location. We list the sub accounts as members of the hq.

My technicians respond to the cases as they are opened for the sub accounts. In the mobile app, all they can see is the billing address of that account which is the address of the HQ account. They need to see the shipping address to know the location of the sub account and perform the work.

  1. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    3 years ago


    Shipping address is not displayed by default.

    Go to QuickCRM Views configuration page (available in Admin page). This is our equivalent of Studio and you can define which fields are displayed.

  2. scott7 member avatar


    3 years ago

    Thank you. Added it. Exactly what I needed.

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