by NS-Team

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#3818 - Filter does not filter words with special characters

Open Bug? created by René Verified Purchase 3 years ago


I try to filter an opportunity that contains special characters like åäö (characters used in scandinavia). In this case the word Lövö. The filter returns nothing. If I use an other word in this opportunity, it finds it

Here are a couple of characters i use å => ä => ö =>

  1. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    3 years ago

    Hi, I suspect that comes from the encoding of the table in your database.

    We are based in France and we have special characters too. I just tried searching in the app on our own CRM with é, è, à and even å (which exists in scandinavia and not in France). The search works correctly (searches for é, è and e return the same results, searches for å and a return the same results).

    Don't you have the same problems in SuiteCRM? In any case, the app does not manage the search and we use SuiteCRM REST API for that, so there is not much we could do.

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