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#3303 - calender / meetings not synced with suitecrm

Open Bug? created by xelaneb 4 years ago

couple of times recently when suitecrm and quickcrm mobile app are out of sync. meetings show on mobile but not on calendar in suitecrm. Could you provide resources to begin searching to fix this?

  1. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago


    My guess is that the meeting is both in the app and SuiteCRM (In the Meetings menu), but the user is not part of the invitees.

    The first thing would be to check both SuiteCRM log and PHP error log at the time those meetings were created.

    Could you explain if the meeting was assigned to the user who created the meeting, or if he/she assigned the meeting to another user.

    Also (even though I don't think it matters), could you let me know which version of our server module is installed in your CRM.

    • xelaneb member avatar


      4 years ago

      sorry, no, the user is an admin in charge of creating the meetings and views them under "shared week" or month. the person picks the specific person from "users list" button and their name is displayed on the calendar

  2. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    Did the admin create the meetings on SuiteCRM or in the app?

  3. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    So, if I understand correctly, these meetings are visible in the app, but not in SuiteCRM. The difference is: - In SuiteCRM calendar, only meetings where the user is part of the invitees are displayed - In the app, meetings assigned to the user OR meetings where the user is part of the invitees are displayed

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