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#2776 - Cannot Login

Open Bug? created by twang1997 4 years ago

Sun May 17 13:37:32 2020 [42920][-none-][ERROR] SoapHelperWebServices->checkSessionAndModuleAccess - validate_authenticated failed - Sun May 17 13:37:32 2020 [42920][-none-][ERROR] 11: Invalid Session ID
The session ID is invalid

  1. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago


    What error message do you get in the app? If you get a 'Wrong username or password' message, you most probably entered a wrong user name or password. Please check again.

  2. twang1997 member avatar


    4 years ago

    The user name and password are correct. I entered the wrong password intentionally, the error message is different in the log file.

  3. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    What error message do you get in the app? Also, can you please check the PHP error log and tell me if you see errors at that time?

    • twang1997 member avatar


      4 years ago

      On the mobile device, it displays the following: "unexpected error. Please check your permissions and the CRM log file". The log file message was shown in the initial message.

      Btw, I can login to the demo server.

  4. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    The error message you sent was in SuiteCRM log. What I'm asking is the PHP error log.

    • twang1997 member avatar


      4 years ago

      [18-May-2020 12:15:31 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant JSON_LOOSE_TYPE - assumed 'JSON_LOOSE_TYPE' in .../include/utils.php on line 3870 [18-May-2020 12:15:31 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: action in .../modules/acl_fields/fields_logic.php on line 8 [18-May-2020 12:15:31 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: action in .../modules/acl_fields/fields_logic.php on line 8 [18-May-2020 12:15:31 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: action in .../modules/acl_fields/fields_logic.php on line 8 [18-May-2020 12:15:31 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined property: User::$default_team in .../service/v4/SugarWebServiceImplv4.php on line 171 [18-May-2020 12:15:31 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details. in .../include/utils.php:1623

      The user is defined in the group as I can login into the system without any problem.

  5. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    • What do you mean by "The user is defined in the group"?
    • You show Uncaught Exception: Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details. in .../include/utils.php:1623 What does your SuiteCRM log show for that database failure?
    • twang1997 member avatar


      4 years ago

      [18-May-2020 12:17:10 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details. in .../include/utils.php:1623 Stack trace:

      0 .../include/database/DBManager.php(345): sugar_die('Database failur...')

      1 .../include/database/DBManager.php(321): DBManager->registerError('Error finding t...', 'Error finding t...', true)

      2 .../include/database/MysqliManager.php(159): DBManager->checkError('Error finding t...', true)

      3 .../modules/SecurityGroups/SecurityGroup.php(692): MysqliManager->query('seect securityg...', true, 'Error finding t...')

      4 .../service/quickcrm/SugarWebServiceImplquickcrm.php(103): SecurityGroup->getUserSecurityGroups('2cbdb138-04c4-b...')

      5 .../service/core/REST/SugarRestJSON.php(91): SugarWebServiceImplquickcrm->login(Array, 'QuickCRM ios 7....', Array)

      6 .../service/core/SugarRestService.php(133): SugarRestJSON->serve()

      7 .../serv in .../include/utils.php on line 1623

      Suitecrm.log was shown in the first message. The above is from php.log.

  6. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    Your SuiteCRM log must show the SQL query that failed and you didn't show me that error. This is what I need. Also, please let me know which version of SuiteCRM you have installed.


    • twang1997 member avatar


      4 years ago

      SuiteCRM 7.8.1

      SuiteCRM log level is set to "Error". It does not have any SQL log. What level shall I set to get the SQL query?

  7. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    Ok. Now, I understand. Early versions of 7.8 had a lot of errors and the small part of your error log shows one of them. query('seect securityg...', This is not correct SQL.

    Two solutions : - Upgrade to latest 7.8 or 7.10 (best solution) - or fix the error in modules/SecurityGroups/SecurityGroup.php around line 692 and replace seect by select. This would fix that bug but I’m afraid there are other bugs in your version of SuiteCRM.

  8. twang1997 member avatar


    4 years ago

    What do you mean "replace seect by select"? Can you be more specific?

  9. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    Edit modules/SecurityGroups/SecurityGroup.php on your server and change seect to select around line 692. .. but it would be much safer to upgrade SuiteCRM.

    • twang1997 member avatar


      4 years ago

      I cannot do the upgrade.

      I did the change and repaired. Now, the login hangs up instead of giving the error.

  10. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    Then, check again your PHP error log.

    • twang1997 member avatar


      4 years ago

      [18-May-2020 13:48:38 America/New_York] PHP Warning: Declaration of SugarWebServiceUtilv4::get_data_list($seed, $order_by = '', $where = '', $row_offset = 0, $limit = -1, $max = -1, $show_deleted = 0, $favorites = false) should be compatible with SugarWebServiceUtilv3_1::get_data_list($seed, $order_by = '', $where = '', $row_offset = 0, $limit = -1, $max = -1, $show_deleted = 0, $favorites = false, $singleSelect = false) in .../service/v4/SugarWebServiceUtilv4.php on line 555 [18-May-2020 13:48:38 America/New_York] PHP Warning: Declaration of SugarWebServiceImplv4::get_entries($session, $module_name, $ids, $select_fields, $link_name_to_fields_array) should be compatible with SugarWebServiceImplv3_1::get_entries($session, $module_name, $ids, $select_fields, $link_name_to_fields_array, $track_view = false) in .../service/v4/SugarWebServiceImplv4.php on line 49

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