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#2162 - quickcrm app start up very slowly

Open Bug? created by liussbbs 5 years ago

hello quickcrm app start up very slowly,I have to wait a long time about 5 minute with blank,any suggestions?

my phone ver android 7.0

  1. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago


    The app loads Google API at startup. If is blocked, that might slow down startup.

  2. liussbbs member avatar


    5 years ago

    thank you quickly reply I am sure is blocked,how to solve this problem,and idea?

  3. liussbbs member avatar


    5 years ago is blocked in china,is there any version didn't use api or jump loads google api,tks!

  4. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Can you please check app version 6.8.2 or later? You should see a major improvement.

  5. liussbbs member avatar


    5 years ago

    can you send me the latest ver quickcrm,my email is,i can't find quickcrm app 6.8.2 or later,google is blocked,tks!

  6. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago


    Latest app is available at

    Best regards,

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