by NS-Team

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#1918 - Call & Contact relationship is not created

Open Bug? created by softbless 5 years ago


I call a contact from Quickcrm in my android phone, then quickcrm display form to create call. then i fill in field, then create a call. When accessing suitecrm (web), i found that call in menu "Call", and it is also displaying the contact name.

But if i access the contact detail, the call is not displaying on "call" subpanel.

please fix.

  1. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago


    I can't reproduce that. I see the call in the contact calls sub panel and I see the contact in the call contacts sub panel. What is your version of SuiteCRM?

  2. softbless member avatar


    5 years ago

    my suitecrm version is 7.8

  3. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    I checked again on a 7.8 and a 7.10 I can't reproduce your problem.

    Could you try to place another call, then check your SuiteCRM log and your PHP error log?

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