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#1134 - QuickCRM breaks with the following error when RTGSync installed both will work when only one is installed.

Closed Bug? created by Ben Robinson 6 years ago


PHP Version 7.0.30 FreeBSD 11.1 Apache 2.4 MariaDB 10.2.14 SuiteCRM 7.10.4

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method OutfittersLicense::isValid() in /usr/local/www/apache24/crm.*****\nStack trace:\n#0 /usr/local/www/apache24/crm.***** SugarWebServiceImplquickcrm->login(Array, '', Array)\n#1 /usr/local/www/apache24/crm.***** SugarRestJSON->serve()\n#2 /usr/local/www/apache24/crm.***** SugarRestService->serve()\n#3 /usr/local/www/apache24/crm.***** require_once('/usr/local/www/...')\n#4 /usr/local/www/apache24/crm.***** require_once('/usr/local/www/...')\n#5 {main}\n thrown in /usr/local/www/apache24/crm.***** on line 85

Any ideas would be appreciated :)

  1. benrobinson member avatar

    Ben Robinson

    6 years ago

    QuickCRM will also return "unexpected error. Please check your permissions and the CRM log file"

  2. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago


    There is probably a conflict with both module using the same license manager. Do you have an error message just before that line in the log that would indicate this conflict, or an error about reading a file?

    • benrobinson member avatar

      Ben Robinson

      6 years ago

      I think this is it, I am also pretty sure the second one is related to RTGSync.

      PHP Warning: Declaration of SugarWebServiceUtilquickcrm::get_data_list($seed, $order_by = '', $where = '', $row_offset = 0, $limit = -1, $max = -1, $show_deleted = 0, $favorites = false) should be compatible with SugarWebServiceUtilv4::get_data_list($seed, $order_by = '', $where = '', $row_offset = 0, $limit = -1, $max = -1, $show_deleted = 0, $favorites = false, $single_select = false) in /usr/local/www/apache24/crm.*****. on line 0

      PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; OauthCredentials has a deprecated constructor in /usr/local/www/apache24/crm.***** on line 29

      PHP Notice: Undefined property: User::$default_team in /usr/local/www/apache24/crm.***** on line 171

      PHP Notice: Undefined index: wl_list_max_entries_per_page in /usr/local/www/apache24/crm.***** on line 180

      PHP Notice: Undefined index: wl_list_max_entries_per_subpanel in /usr/local/www/apache24/crm.***** on line 181

  3. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago


    The first one is just a warning for QuickCRM. That's hard to manage as SuiteCRM CRM changed the interface in January and we have users with older versions. So newer or older versions will have this message. I guess we should favor newer version.

    Yes the second one is not about us.

    And the other two are warnings that come from SuiteCRM API. These warnings even existed in SugarCRM.

    I have sent a message to people at SuiteCRM Store as they provide the license manager and it is obviously where the conflict is with RTGSync.

  4. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago


    Could you install version 5.1.7 that was just published on the Store?

    It should fix the conflict with RTGSync.

    Thank you for your feedback.

    • benrobinson member avatar

      Ben Robinson

      6 years ago

      Thanks for your quick responses and support.

      That seems to have fixed it!

  5. benrobinson member avatar

    Ben Robinson

    6 years ago

    Am I able to close this case or does someone else need to do it?

  6. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    We will close it.

    I really appreciate the time you spent to precisely identify what the problem was. That helped us a lot.

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