by Activalink

Are you having difficulty keeping track of important emails? Do you want to easily link email messages from your Outlook or Office 365 account to your CRM contacts? With the Email Archiver add-on, you can save all the emails you want in SuiteCRM and assign them to your Contacts, Accounts, Leads, and Opportunities. Use this extension without any user limits!

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5408 Custom Module - is it possible archive email to custom modules? nehos Open Feature
#5001 Do you Support SuiteCRM 8 - Hello, Do you support SuiteCRM version 8? Thanks mjel70 Closed General Question
#4823 Can't able to validate License Key - We've installed Email Archiver Extension Zip in Our CRM and after installing we're trying to validat Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Closed Bug?