by Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd

The solution for your Magento store. The new SuiteCRM Magento bridge lets you integrate and access all the major features of Magento allowing your accounting and sales teams to have a complete view of your customers and orders within Magento right from SuiteCRM.

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#3947 - Cannot get SuiteCRM plugin to authenticate to Magento

Closed Installation created by buzz 3 years ago


I've followed the installation guide several times now. I've even uninstalled and reinstalled. I've changed the access key on Magento numerous times. I cannot get the plugin to connect to Magento.

In the Magento-Sync admin tool, I click "Sync Product" and I get this JSON error response at the bottom of the page: {"status":"error","response":"unauthorized access for magento"}

If i try "Sync Customer" I get a redirect to the Customer module which has a button to Sync Customer. If I click that, I get an Ajax "loading" banner infinitely.

What am I missing and what can I try to resolve the issue?

  1. buzz member avatar


    3 years ago

    Hello, can I please get some help with this? We want to make sure this plugin not only works, but gives us the data we need before the free trial expires. If we cant get it working before then, we'll have to cancel before we a charged.

    You can reach me on skype at - ted.moriello


  2. BrainvireInfotech member avatar

    Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd Provider Affiliate

    3 years ago

    Dear Customer,

    Sorry for the inconvenience. Pinged you on skype.

  3. diligent member avatar

    Hi, we are testing your extension, and we can see the exact same issue. We verified that file ownerships/permissions are fine, we are sure that magento is responding (request from the log executed with postman, customer data is returned), and both syncs behave just like the author described it here. Can you post the usual workarounds?

    thank you in advance, d.

    • buzz member avatar


      3 years ago

      We worked with Brainvire support for nearly 3 months on this. We renewed the trial once, (two free trials) and then went most of the way through a paid billing cycle. We gave them every chance possible to fix the issue but they couldnt. Then they finally stopped resonding. They could never get it working and we ultimately got a refund. This package is extremely broken and we heavily advise against it. It's missing even the most simplest of files like language files for the admin panel. It is very poorly coded or has been abandoned by the developers. We have 4-5 other plugins from the SuiteCRM store and had them all working within minutes. The installation guide is lacking extremely important setup info as well. Also, the link to the Magento side plugin based withing the admin panel is a broken link. I had to email the developer to get the actual Magento side plugin. Brainvire's support was very responsive and worked very hard but they were incapable of fixing the numerous bugs in this plugin. Their support gets 4 stars, the plugin however should really be removed from the store. It just plain does not work. They kept saying it was a problem with our instance but out instance was a fresh stock install with zero customization.

      Best of luck. Hope you have better luck than us.

    • BrainvireInfotech member avatar

      Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd Provider Affiliate

      3 years ago


      Sure we are here to help you. Can we please connect on skype? We can definitely solve your issue and get the plugin work for you. You can find me by email address

    • BrainvireInfotech member avatar

      Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd Provider Affiliate

      3 years ago

      Hello Ted,

      Sorry If we could not respond you timely. At the end only order syncing was paused because of some data issue from your magento. We supported you for the following and get it worked - Products Sync . - Categories were not syncing because of magento site issues, So we changed the api calling to sync with client magento - Contacts were not syncing on server as they made some changes on plugin file that's why sync was not working. - Attributes were sync properly. - Orders were also not syncing as I checked the order api was not working from magento site and many times it came with no response. After that it has started working and we sync around 100+ orders with all the relationships and details. But in between there must be some issue in data that's why order sync has been paused.

    • BrainvireInfotech member avatar

      Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd Provider Affiliate

      3 years ago

      Please let us know how you are adding your magento token to get authorized from magento side.

    • diligent member avatar

      many thanks for your reply. we will shortly create another thread, just to separate the discussion so that it is clear who brainvire is responding to :)

    • BrainvireInfotech member avatar

      Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd Provider Affiliate

      3 years ago

      Yes. That will be great.

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