See everything in a single timeline view which helps you to keep track of key business events and gives you the means to specify what exactly constitutes a key business event for your company. Best of all, it works great on all devices. Get even more value by tracking and displaying key business events that matter to your specific business.
#2451 - No panel display available
Hi, I try to install the History timeline but nothing is showed in history panel. Doesn't work. I'm using suitecrm v. 7.11.10 and I tried versions of the timeline 1.2.12, 1.2.10, 1.2.9 and is not working. I'm really interested to buy it. Could you help me?
5 years ago
Thanks for your trial our addon. Did you go to in Settings in admin area to enable it? If yes, but it’s still not working please let me know.
Thanks you, SuiteCRM addon team
5 years ago
Thank you! Great service. My issue has been solved in few hours.
5 years ago
Thanks you!