by Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub)

See everything in a single timeline view which helps you to keep track of key business events and gives you the means to specify what exactly constitutes a key business event for your company. Best of all, it works great on all devices. Get even more value by tracking and displaying key business events that matter to your specific business.

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#1909 - Questions about History Timeline / Potential Change Request

Closed General Question created by R&D Tax Solutions Verified Purchase 5 years ago

Two questions which may be a feature or change request: 1. What is the rationale to have 'Days Untouched' on Notes? Does anyone use this information or is it more user friendly to remove it? Usually notes are there to document something against a lead/account/opportunity. 2. What is the rationale to have "days untouched" on meetings. It would be far more useful to see "Meeting $Held/Not Held/$ X days ago" or if in the future "Meeting $Planned$ in X days". Where $VAR$ is the variable from the meeting status drop down list.

See attached. Many thanks! Excellent plugin, by the way, it is definitely a functionality which can really help CRM users to see the timeline of communications.

Screenshot 2019-04-16 at 19.01.46.png

  1. nhat.thieu member avatar

    Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub) Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Thanks for your questions,

    1. We have implemented for request by Rick in 1889. Maybe It's no necessary for Notes module. Maybe we will leave it into config to accept display in entry or not.
    2. Good idea, We will implement it once 2 issues relate to email resolved. Thanks for your suggestion. Hope you will use this add-on.

    We always listen from the contributions of everyone to improve the product, bring value to the community, many thanks for your suggestion. If you think this add-on helpful please help we share to everyone can use it.

    Thanks, Nhat

  2. evgeni member avatar

    R&D Tax Solutions Verified Purchase

    5 years ago

    1. Having the option in config would be great.
    2. Thank you. Excellent support and development progress!! This is how all software development should be.
  3. nhat.thieu member avatar

    Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub) Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Implemented in v1.2.5

  4. evgeni member avatar

    R&D Tax Solutions Verified Purchase

    5 years ago

    1 is implemented and works great. thank you.

    Could you please also implement idea #2 for meetings and tasks? Replace "days untouched" on CRM Meetings and Tasks, with "Meeting/Task $Held/Not Held/$ X days ago". Or if meeting/task is in the future "Meeting/Task $Planned$ in X days". Where $VAR$ is the variable from the meeting/task status drop down list.

    • nhat.thieu member avatar

      Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub) Provider Affiliate

      5 years ago


      We have implemented for Meetings module. Can you verify again. We have ignore some case will not display in activity if. Date Start in the future but has status is 'Not Held' or 'Held'. About Tasks, We will do. However, Tasks did not 'Not Held' or 'Held' status. It just has 'Not Started', 'In Progress', 'Completed', 'Pending Input', 'Deferred'. Don't worry, We will implement for Tasks module base on these status. We will send email notify new release for you once done.

      Thanks, Nhat

    • evgeni member avatar

      R&D Tax Solutions Verified Purchase

      5 years ago

      Yes juste tested for Meetings and it looks very good!! See screenshots for mintor spelling corrections - in red.

      Screenshot 2019-04-23 at 20.19.20.png

      Screenshot 2019-04-23 at 20.21.56.png

  5. nhat.thieu member avatar

    Mien Trung Software (CRMPluginHub) Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Correct spelling for Meeting, implement for Task in v1.2.6

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