by Blackant Solutions

Google Drive Integration for Suite CRM module uploads all your CRM documents to Google Drive. The user can preview the document, download, and get the shareable link within the CRM. The module provides a one-stop solution for document management with Google Drive.

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#5351 - Access blocked has not completed the Google verification process

In Progress Installation created by MokasIT 3 months ago

I have sucesfully generated CLIENT ID JSON, bet have vbeen blocked during Google verification process.

What permisions and where I must gain to this user? See atachments: access blocked1.png error details.png

  1. blackant member avatar

    Blackant Solutions Provider

    3 months ago

    Hi, May I know which version of SuiteCRM you are using?


  2. MokasIT member avatar


    3 months ago


  3. blackant member avatar

    Blackant Solutions Provider

    3 months ago

    Thanks! I will check and update you shortly.

  4. blackant member avatar

    Blackant Solutions Provider

    3 months ago

    Hi, Google not allowing users to create apps without verification now. We will check for other options to get the token, update the code, and release a new version.


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