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#4602 - request support to configure

Closed Bug? created by gabriel1 Verified Purchase a year ago

I have installed RTGsync and request support to configure the application

  1. rolustech member avatar

    Rolustech Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    Hi Gabriel,

    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    We'd love to help you. Can you please let us know which step you are having issues in and we will provide you guidance on that?

    Also, it would be great if you can let us know which SyiteCRM version are you currently using.


    Team Rolustech

    • gabriel1 member avatar

      gabriel1 Verified Purchase

      a year ago

      version 7.12 doesn't work

  2. rolustech member avatar

    Rolustech Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    Hi Gabriel,

    Thanks for sharing the version.

    We would like to schedule a call with you to set up RT GSync on your instance.

    Let us know your availability and we will set up the meeting. Please do share your email address with us as well.


    Team Rolustech.

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  • "we have installed the instance with the invaluable help of support who have been attentive to our requirements. works great on versions 7.13.2 and 8...." - gabriel1

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