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#2447 - Cant manage to download the file from suitstore

Closed Installation created by Isaacsachs 5 years ago

Hi Guys The system opened a new account for me under couldnt log in for hours than I opened a new account to download the file cant find it and cant download it

This is really not ok can you please get back to me and lets work this quickly? Thanks

  1. rolustech member avatar

    Rolustech Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago


    Apologies for the inconvenience.

    As per the records, you downloaded RT GSync using, not This might be the reason for you not being able to log in to SugarOutfitters.

    Your free 30-day trial is active on If you log in from this user, you'd be able to download RT GSync's package and installation instructions.

    In case you face any issues, feel free to let us know at and we can schedule a call to help you with the installation process.

    Regards, Rolustech Support

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