All-In-One CTI is a computer telephony integration between SugarCRM and most popular PBXs. Easy install. Stable work. 100% support.
#4754 - set license status to -2 (error reason 4003)
We had this working as a prototype in 2017, but now there seems to be a license issue. I did have to install it on new servers. SuiteCRM is running on Ubuntu 20.04 and was installed per docs at We are integrating with FreePBX 16/Asterisk 16 and used instructions at to install with key QRZ54837QRZ54837
However, I get this error in /var/log/asterisk/cel_prostiezvonki_28-Feb-2023_12-56-47.log:
28.02.2023 12:56:47.352 INFO checkCelApplications: cel configuration OK 28.02.2023 12:56:48.085 INFO set license status to -2 (error reason 4003) 28.02.2023 12:56:48.085 INFO License server successfully set license status 28.02.2023 12:58:15.646 INFO Authorization error: clientID = , decoded = "" 28.02.2023 12:59:55.648 INFO Authorization error: clientID = , decoded = "" 28.02.2023 13:01:35.651 INFO Authorization error: clientID = , decoded = ""
My license key is b995b468bd2abcef2e1e2c6b45eddc65 and your software. On the day of installation I got in the log: 27.02.2023 16:56:33.285 INFO No valid license for statmodule type 27.02.2023 16:56:33.285 INFO Authorization error: server license expired! (repeated many times)
Note that the download file I got for SuiteCRM is "" -- that is NOT the name of the file on your side, but it IS the same one I downloaded 5 years ago. Do I need an upgrade?
Thanks, Jerry Riggin 727-685-3000 x103