by Vedisoft

All-In-One CTI is a computer telephony integration between SugarCRM and most popular PBXs. Easy install. Stable work. 100% support.

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#3404 - 05.02.2021 19:26:18.120 INFO No valid license for sugarcrm type

Open Bug? created by Cjcrmuser 4 years ago

License server successfully set license status 05.02.2021 19:26:18.120 INFO No valid license for sugarcrm type 05.02.2021 19:26:18.120 INFO Authorization error: server license expired!

This is a trial license and this does not work?? any one have any issues with trial i see this other person who bought it and is reporting the same

  1. Vedisoft member avatar

    Vedisoft Provider

    4 years ago

    Hello, Please, restart module on pbx side and after it send to latest log file "cel_prostiezvonki_{date}.log" (in /var/log/asterisk/ for Asterisk)

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