All-In-One CTI is a computer telephony integration between SugarCRM and most popular PBXs. Easy install. Stable work. 100% support.
#3215 - No valid license for statmodule type
Hi download the module to try it for 30 days and if everything works proceed to buy it. The error I am having after having configured everything is this: No valid license for statmodule type
4 years ago
After configuring the module again, the error that appears in the logs is this:
No valid license for sugarcrm type Authorization error: server license expired!
the installation is on suiteCRM that is already configured according to the documentation provided. Asterisk version is 16.14.1
4 years ago
Hello, Please use this demo licence key for Asterisk Plugin: WGWQL45425446206932477431 (you need to replace "contract" value in /etc/asterisk/cel_prostiezvonki.conf and restart Asterisk or module) If it will not help, please send: 1. latest log file (for Asterisk-based PBX - /var/log/asterisk/cel_prostiezvonki_{date}.log) 2. configuration file (for Asterisk-based PBX - /etc/asterisk/cel_prostiezvonki.conf)
4 years ago
Hi I am having problems with the integration all of a sudden I have this error when everything was working fine
29.11.2020 12:00:36.514 INFO checkCelConfiguration: manager enabled 1 29.11.2020 12:00:36.514 INFO checkCelApplications: cel configuration OK 29.11.2020 12:00:38.148 INFO set license status to -2 (error reason 4003) 29.11.2020 12:00:38.148 INFO License server successfully set license status 29.11.2020 12:00:55.274 INFO No valid license for sugarcrm type 29.11.2020 12:00:55.274 INFO Authorization error: server license expired!
can you please send me a new key for the module in Asterisk
4 years ago
Hello, We have renewed your licence (WGWQL45425446206932477431 ), you need to reboot module. Please send on your suitecrm key, you can find it in CRM Admin->All-in-one-Cti.