All-In-One CTI is a computer telephony integration between SugarCRM and most popular PBXs. Easy install. Stable work. 100% support.
#1332 - Disable call recording
Does this module force call recordings all the time? Because it seems that if we dial *1 to pause a recording, it gets ignored and continues to record the call. This used to work fine, but it seems it has stopped working since this module has been installed.
6 years ago
Hi, As far as I understand - yes. But I will figure it out tomorrow and will let you know for sure
6 years ago
Hi Ben, We can affect "monitor" function (monitor function is recording) in case if you set "internal_path" in cel_prostiezvonki.conf. Please comment out (or delete) this parameter in cel_prostiezvonki.conf, restart Asterisk (or reload our module) and check.