by Fanatical Labs

Save Your Team Countless Hours. SugarChimp syncs your lists in both directions so you can work in your preferred app. Segment and group your Mailchimp subscribers based on SuiteCRM data so you can market to the right people at the right time. Compatible with all versions of SuiteCRM.

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#350 - Unable to Sync

Closed Installation created by william 7 years ago


We have recently got a free trial for SugarChimp Pro. We have been able to install the module successfully on our SuiteCRM, but it doesn't seems to be able to sync with mailchimp. From the log, we can see that all the errors are related to database. Here are some of the entry of the log :

Wed May 3 10:49:00 2017 [3324][88cc5ca2-21ab-62c4-a349-58ff02b5cb67][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT id FROM smartlist WHERE prospect_list_id='759cb24e-c96d-f760- 70f1-5907f41245b7': MySQL error 1146: Table 'suitecrm.smartlist' doesn't exist Wed May 3 10:49:00 2017 [3324][88cc5ca2-21ab-62c4-a349-58ff02b5cb67][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT id FROM smartlist WHERE prospect_list_id='24661d40-54e1-ee48- 66b3-58ff09d43a0f': MySQL error 1146: Table 'suitecrm.smartlist' doesn't exist Wed May 3 10:49:00 2017 [3324][88cc5ca2-21ab-62c4-a349-58ff02b5cb67][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT id FROM smartlist WHERE prospect_list_id='b7a0f472-0c5a-1872- 2152-590853a337b0': MySQL error 1146: Table 'suitecrm.smartlist' doesn't exist Wed May 3 10:49:00 2017 [3324][88cc5ca2-21ab-62c4-a349-58ff02b5cb67][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT id FROM smartlist WHERE prospect_list_id='39179d71-f354-24d4- 985c-59085318c890': MySQL error 1146: Table 'suitecrm.smartlist' doesn't exist Wed May 3 10:49:00 2017 [3324][88cc5ca2-21ab-62c4-a349-58ff02b5cb67][FATAL] Err or running count query for SmartList List: Query Failed: SELECT count(*) c FRO M smartlist LEFT JOIN users jt0 ON AND jt0. deleted=0

Can you help us with this?

  1. jason member avatar


    7 years ago

    It looks like the install didn't complete fully. Can you go to Admin->Repair and run the Quick Repair & Rebuild? Once the page loads execute the generated SQL. This should create the missing smartlist table. If that doesn't work then you may need to uninstall SugarChimp and install it again. If all of that fails please do let us know here and we can figure out the next steps.

    Cheers, Jason Eggers SugarOutfitters

  2. william member avatar


    7 years ago

    It works.

    I tried to reinstall the module first, and check the log. Looks like the tables generation was failed during the installation. But using repair, the SuiteCRM immediately generated the missing tables. Now I can sync with mailchimp without any problem. Thanks

  3. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    Thanks for that quick help, Jason. Glad to hear everything is syncing now, William. If you run into any problems or have questions come up, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm going to go ahead and close this case out now.

    Cheers! Jon

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