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by Blackant Solutions

Google Drive Integration for Suite CRM module uploads all your CRM documents to Google Drive. The user can preview the document, download, and get the shareable link within the CRM. The module provides a one-stop solution for document management with Google Drive.

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#4032 - Can't upload zip file

Closed Bug? created by ja1 3 years ago

Hi there When i hit "Upload" it just immediately goes to a 403 Forbidden screen saying "Access to this resource on the server is denied!"

  1. ja1 member avatar


    3 years ago

    It will upload and install other plugins no problem. Just this one won't.

  2. ja1 member avatar


    3 years ago

    OK, teh latest is it was my server's fault, but now it ulpoads but doesn't finish uploading it stops and says there's no manifest.php in the zip file (Which there is)

  3. blackant member avatar

    Blackant Solutions Provider

    3 years ago

    Hi, I did a check now and it is working fine for me. Can we have a zoom call on Monday and check this?

    Thanks, Raj

  4. ja1 member avatar


    3 years ago

    My Monday ok. What time? I'm in Sydney Australia.

  5. ja1 member avatar


    3 years ago

    I waited and no sign of you.

  6. ja1 member avatar


    3 years ago

    It's installed now but I can't work out how to get the API part done. It looks nothing on Google like you describe.

    • blackant member avatar

      Blackant Solutions Provider

      3 years ago

      Sorry. I was waiting for your response. I will email you now. We can schedule a call right away.

    • ja1 member avatar


      3 years ago

      OK, send me an invite to

  7. ja1 member avatar


    3 years ago


    I installed OK then eceived my JSON file which I uploaded then got this error.

    Just in case the pic didn't work either it says " wouldln't give access"

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