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by Dreamer Technologies

Streamline all your customer conversations in CRM. This Integration helps you to manage your customer support case into CRM. It will create cases, account, contact, replies in CRM and will relate each other.

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#2568 - Case updates in SuiteCRM don't update freshdesk and causes duplicate tickets

Open Bug? created by matthew1 5 years ago

Hi there, just installed the trial and running into some issues. First thing is the setup guide appears outdated and does not match the Freshdesk admin page. There is no longer dispatcher or observer but rather just one thing called automations. Second is more serious, if a ticket is created in freshdesk by a customer and then I add a "Case Update" in SuiteCRM, it will send it to the customer, but it doesn't show my update in Freshdesk, and then when the customer replies to that e-mail, it creates a new ticket in Freshdesk, which then in turn creates a new case in SuiteCRM, causing mass confusion. Please advise.

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