by Dreamer Technologies

Streamline all your customer conversations in CRM. This Integration helps you to manage your customer support case into CRM. It will create cases, account, contact, replies in CRM and will relate each other.

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This add-on will Sync all Tickets, Contacts, Accounts, and Reply. A Freshdesk ticket will be Case, Freshdesk contact will be Contact, Freshdesk customer will be Account & Freshdesk replies will be Note in CRM.

This addon supports Freshdesk v2.0 API

The Benefits / Key Features

  • Enable you to effectively control your Freshdesk data across SuiteCRM.
  • The tickets are generated in Freshdesk, will create a Case in CRM.
  • Sync Ticket Fields like status,state,priority,description,attachment,replies.
  • Whenever case created in CRM, It will also create account & contact.
  • Sync Contact Fields like name,address,email,title,mobile,description,twitter etc.
  • All the replies will be generated as Note record in CRM.
  • A complete relationship between Account-Contact-Case-Note.
  • Can sync custom fields also.

Case details in CRM

  • Below is the screenshot of a case record created in SuiteCRM.
  • A ticket generated to your Freshdesk portal. Now a case, account, contact also gets create in SuiteCRM and will relate to Contact and Account. It will sync ticket fields like status,state,priority,description,attachment,replies.
  • We can see Freshdesk ID and Contact in Freshdesk Info panel.

Case Details

Contact details in CRM

  • Below is the screenshot of a contact record created in SuiteCRM.
  • It will sync contact fields like name,address,email,title,mobile,description,twitter_id,facebook_id etc.

Contact Details

Account details in CRM

  • Below is the screenshot of an account record created in SuiteCRM.
  • It will sync account fields like name, website, description etc.

Account Details

Check Replies in Case record

  • Below is the screenshot of Freshdesk replies created as a note in CRM
  • We can see the History of the particular case record. all the replies are given or received save as a note record in CRM.


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* Free 30 day trial
  • "Very Helpful! Going above and beyond to help. Wanted some changes, they are in the process of doing this fro me now." - paul.martin

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