The WooCommerce Bridge for SuiteCRM lets you integrate and access all of the features of WooCommerce that you need. Become more efficient by integrating your store with SuiteCRM so that your teams can have a complete overview of all customers and orders.
User Guide
Here is the complete overview of this plugin
Sync Customer, Product and Order as per the date required.
Go to Woo commerce data-- Sync customer-- In CRM go to Contacts Module to check synced customers data.
Go to Woo commerce data-- Sync Products--In CRM go to Product Module to check synced data.
4 years ago
Greetings, I am interested in purchasing your add-on for SuiteCRM, but I have the following doubt.
How does the inventory section and product stock reduction work?
If I create an invoice for the sale of products, is the stock reduced on my website with WooCommerce?
In my case, I would need the stock levels to be updated based on the orders that are generated either from the website or from the manually created CRM.
Grateful for any comments or guidance you can give me.
4 years ago
Hello Almacen-Gusanito,
When Product Stock Qty is update in WooCommerce it will also reflect in CRM. From CRM to WooCommerce Product Stock is not updating.
If you that functionalities or any other features we customize for you.
4 years ago
Hello Almacen-Gusanito,
When Product Stock Qty is update in WooCommerce it will also reflect in CRM. From CRM to WooCommerce Product Stock is not updating.
If you that functionalities or any other features we customize for you.
3 years ago
unable to sync products in Wordpress Site please help
3 years ago
Data will sync up in CRM from Wordpress not CRM to Wordpress. If you want that functionalities or any other features we can make extra customization for you.