by Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd

The WooCommerce Bridge for SuiteCRM lets you integrate and access all of the features of WooCommerce that you need. Become more efficient by integrating your store with SuiteCRM so that your teams can have a complete overview of all customers and orders.

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I need to buy the WooCommerce extension with this plugin ?

No, We going to give this plugin free of cost to you.

Which API used from the WooCommerce side ?

We have used default as well as our custom API to sync the customers, products and orders related information into CRM.

Can i see the demo before purchasing the plugin ?

Yes, you need to contact to us at for the complete integration demo. we going to send the meeting invites to you.

If i have some custom fields into WooCommerce modules so it will work with my WooCommerce copy ?

We have consider default WooCommerce structure over here in this plugin. if you have a additional fields into that module then that fields are not going to sync into CRM.

If you face error like default query limit reached during first time sync up process?

We need to increase the default value of query limit in config.php.For eg we can set it to 500000 to avoid any error

For additional customization, you need to contact us and we provide you support for that.

  1. theboss_dev member avatar


    3 years ago

    does this plugin add all data to my woocommerce website in backend database?

    • BrainvireInfotech member avatar

      Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd Provider Affiliate

      3 years ago

      Dear Customer,

      No, we don't store SuiteCRM data in the woo-commerce website in the backend database.

  2. theboss_dev member avatar


    3 years ago

    You mean if I create a customer from SuiteCRM **and then it doesn't store my Customer data in woo-commerce database? one more question what if I check the **users details in Wordpress? SuiteCRM users will be shown up there or not? Thanks.

    • BrainvireInfotech member avatar

      Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd Provider Affiliate

      3 years ago


      No data(Contacts, Products, Orders) are go to woocommerce from CRM. Addon works only one way From CRM to Woocommerce.


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