by MokasIT

SuiteGuard is an integrated solution hosting a powerful security tool set that effectively protects your SuiteCRM system.

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User Guide

Detail view

SuiteGuard button in detail view

suite guard button.jpg In Detail view of every module appears button or action SuiteGuard. On click SuiteGuard button report opens of particular module actions. Suite Guard report.jpg By default 100 records ant 1 months filter are enabled.

Suite Guard subpanel under administration panel.

Suite guard subpanel.jpg

SuiteGuard report

very similar report as opens on Detail view SuiteGuard button click, could be found in administration Panel. Suite Guard report2.jpg

There is full log of all modules and system actions. By clicking on detail column open Detail view of row record.

SuiteGuard summary report

SuiteGuard Summary.jpg Summary report empower user to get wider and more complex view of SuiteCRM usage.

Suite Guard records recovery


SuiteGuard Sudo

To the see if the roles configured correctly, to check users complains about CRM performance and other many cases SuiteCRM admins need to log on to users accounts and see how CRM act in theirs accounts. Sudo functionality allows admin to do it without interruption of users. In logon screen enter users name and admin password, and you will see exactly the same screen as user see.

SuiteGuard Sudo.jpg

Prevent CRM data scraping by limitation of records that user can open per day


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  • "It works perfectly after install new version, thanks." - hoangminhict24

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