by MokasIT

SuiteGuard is an integrated solution hosting a powerful security tool set that effectively protects your SuiteCRM system.

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Release notes


  • Licencing ping issues


  1. Limitation of detail/edit views per day to prevent CRM data scraping .

  2. Make special panels in Detail and Edit view available or hidden to Users in special groups.


  1. Possibility to add any comment after IP addressees in Wihite list. For example: Peter's home
  2. Users External authentication are allowed fo sudo functionality, but admin must have login with password stored in SuiteCRM. In cases when all users use for example Active dir authentication You must create one admin user with SuiteCRM authentication for sudo logins.

-2021-10-25- Licensing issues (Bugfix)

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  • "It works perfectly after install new version, thanks." - hoangminhict24

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