by NS-Team

Define Quotas for your Sales Reps and visualize achievement and forecast.

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Quotas reports and dashlet

Sales vs Quota

A Sales vs Quota dashlet displays users results and quotas for current period and year-to-date.

Multiple views are also available to Sales Reps and Sales Managers analyze current results and forecast: - Current period report - Won opportunities per period - Cumulated Won opportunities per period - Won + Forecasted opportunities per period - Cumulated Won + forecasted opportunities per period Click on Sales Quotas menu to access these reports

Reports and dashlet will give you a graphic summary or sales and quota achievement Legend

Sales vs Quota dashlet

Go to your Home page, click on Add Dashlet and select "Sales vs Quota" Dashlet

Sales vs Quota reports

Click on menu "Sales Quotas" Current period

The report also displays a summary of all your Sales Reps: Total

In that view, you can navigate to previous or next year. Other views show you: - Won opportunities per period (available only for current year and past years) - Cumulated Won opportunities per period (available only for current year and past years) - Won + Forecasted opportunities per period (available only for current year and future years) - Cumulated Won + forecasted opportunities per period (available only for current year and future years)

Click on the radio buttons to display these other views: enter image description here

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