Mokas LeadsPipe is an intuitive and powerful leads management tool for your SuiteCRM. Developed after several customer requests, it follows the same format of our popular sales management solution, Mokas SalesPipe.
1. I haven't in LeadsPipe see some sales stages, that I could choose in Edit view
LeadsPipe is displayed only active sales stages. All that are above Converted and Dead in Stages drop down.
2. I could not find opportunities that I know my colleague has.
LeadsPipe retrieve records similar according Your permissions to listview
3.There are missing some leads cards, that I could see in listview same stages
There are limit by default of 100 records. They are retrieved by modified date. You reduce leads quantity by filters or increase this limit in filters area.
4. When I drop lead to stage column the stage remains the same
There could be few reasons: 1) You drop an Lead not in the middle of column 2) You have no permissions to edit this Lead record.