by CM & Sugar

Need to set up a numbering system to track your records? Define and add a unique identifier field to any SuiteCRM record. Option rich so that you can define the alphanumeric format that you need. Start tracking your Quote, Cases, Accounts and any other module today.

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1. Initial Fill button not working

When the Initial Fill seems to not respond simply go back to Admin, click on the Sequences link, then click on "Initial Fill" again for that sequence.

2. Sequence not incremented on Initial Fill

If all of your custom sequences are showing the same value then follow these steps:

  • Clear out the custom sequence field via a Mass Update or directly via the database
  • Set a "Code Separator" under the Sequence Admin tool (got fixed at version 1.1.2. You can also leave the Separator empty now)
  • Go back to the Sequence Admin list view and click the Initial Fill button
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